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Ai Traffic Pack Mod v0.9

Credits : Taina95
Srele .Eden Games, Atari, Serj999. Traffic_maniac, AlexGold, Alexx_Os, SCS Software(original models),

Changelog v0.8 to 0.9

-Add mclaren mp4_12c
-Add lotus esprit_s3
-Add jaguar xkr
-Add nissan 370z

Changelog v0.5 to 0.8
-Removed Skoda Superb
-Fix textures
-Add dumont 47
-Add Maybach 62
-Add Porsche 911
-Add Range Rover Evoque

Ai Traffic Pack Mod v0.5
--Add 28 Ai Car Traffic

Audi : q7 v12, tt rs cab, tts, s3, rs6 avant, rs5, r8 spyder
alfa :mito quadrifoglio verde, brera italia independent, 8c competizione spider, 8c competizione,
Bmw  : bmw_320i bmw5_e34
hummer: h3
lotus :esprit_s3
jaguar :xkr
mclaren mp4_12c
land :range_rover_sport_hse Evoque
mercedes :ml63 amg, clk63 amg black series, benz w210
nissan :Gtr 370z
volkswagen :golf6gti, touareg v10tdi, bora
Ford : Truck Service
dumont 47
Porsche 911
Maybach 62
Jeep : cherokee


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